Covid19: Recommendations for a safe stay

Clean your hands frequently using an alcohol based cleaner or wash them with soap and water. The farmhouse provides the hand sanitizing gel.
pastedGraphic.pngAlways use the mask in the common areas inside the farmhouse and where it is not possible to respect the minimum spacing.
pastedGraphic.pngAt the entrance of the farmhouse and in the other common areas (swimming pool, garden, playground, porch and gazebo), it is always mandatory to respect the interpersonal distance of at least one meter between one person and another. The exceptions to physical distancing are limited to people belonging to the same family or cohabitants.
pastedGraphic.pngCough and sneeze into a disposable tissue or use the crease in your elbow.
pastedGraphic.pngAvoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth.
pastedGraphic.pngDo not use bottles, glasses, plates and cutlery touched or used by others.
pastedGraphic.pngMaintain adequate natural ventilation and air exchange inside the accommodation.
pastedGraphic.pngIn the swimming pool area the promiscuous use of chairs and beds is forbidden.Use only the position assigned to your family with your own beach towel. Respect the minimum distance of at least 2 meters between the other stations.
pastedGraphic.pngThrow the waste in the appropriate containers inside the accommodation using the bags provided; the bags, properly sealed, must in turn be thrown into the appropriate containers under the porch at the entrance of the farmhouse.
pastedGraphic.pngParental control of children’s compliance with all rules of behavior.
pastedGraphic.pngProhibition to enter the farmhouse if subjected to quarantine measures, in the presence of flu symptoms or body temperature above 37.5 °, or if you come from areas of epidemic outbreaks.
pastedGraphic.pngIn case of fever, cough and breathing difficulties, promptly notify the farm operator, who will inform the competent health authority.
pastedGraphic.pngThe farmhouse puts in place all the conditions for compliance with the rules and behaviors prescribed by the guidelines without however being directly responsible for any contrary conduct by the individual guests.